Monday 2 October 2017

What was the task?

The task was to recreate the sounds that were used in the iconic shower scene from physical. The method we were using is called foley, and this is where you create sounds for a short clip. Before we started to create the sounds we were given a sheet that was called a cut sheet, this is where we had to think of the sounds that we think we may hear on the screen, and this helped us to make the sounds that were needed, and where we could put them in the clip. 

What is foley 

Foley is to recreate sounds for the sound effect for fils or short clips. The equipment that we used was a microphone and adobe editing software.  Some of the objects we used were taps(to create a shower sound effect) balloons to create a high pitch scream,  my group found the scream difficult since we were a group of boys and none of us could reach the perfect scream, however, we found the sinks worked well to create a good shower effect. 

What is found content 

Found content is content that is found online and that you use in your clips, and you are only allowed to use a certain amount of "found content". some of the found content we had used was from other groups since we had missed some of the things from our list. 

How did you edit and what did you use 

To edit the sounds we used adobe editing software, we have not added any effect to the soft where since we found that our sounds fitted quite well and did not need to be edited.  Overall I think our work went well, however I think that we could add some more sounds, to add some detail, and also to take longer sound clips instead of repeating some of the clips because it does not sound right, overall though I think it is very good with the time that my group had. 

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