Thursday 12 October 2017

  1. Document what you did in the session on Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC)

  • Research that you carry out in these sessions
the teacher showed us a powerpoint on different photos and the effect the apature and the focus point had on the photos.
    • Skills that you have triedI have tried taking photos using different aperture,  and focus points,
    • The processes 

      We went around taking photos of friends and throwing levels at them to make a margin effect. this was done by changing the aperture, we then went on to take photos of plants and close up photos changing the focus point. 
    • Method
      We took close up getting friends to stand still, whilst we threw things like leaves at them. 

    • The tools that you used

    tools that i used was the nikon D3400. 

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