Friday 19 January 2018

TASK 3: Evaluate your findings from Tasks 1 & 2 (500-800 words)

Kian Blewett

TASK 3: Evaluate your findings from Tasks 1 & 2 (500-800 words)

From your findings in Task 1 and Task 2 on your blog write a minimum of 500 - maximum 800-word comparison/evaluation on how the social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and Snap-chat are used by audiences and institutions to access and deliver specific information. 

The research that I found out from task one was the people use social media for different reasons, this can be to keep in contact with friends and family, looking up news and also for entertainment. From my research, I found that 60% of the people that answered the survey said that Snapchat was there favorite social media site and Instagram coming as the second most favorite site. I also found out that people use different social media sites so that they can talk to friends and look at followers photos.

From the research that I have done, I found that film reviewer sites often post after the film is released with a review of the film, this is posted on Twitter on one account called "Rotten Tomatoes" this page on twitter post reviews of the films, this can also help to gain viewers because if the film has a good review then people will want to see it however if it is a bad review and it got a bad review then not many people will want to see the film becuse it has a bad review, and this can have an infulence on whether the audence sees the film or dosn't. 

From the research of movie websites, I found that most if not all of the websites use Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to post and promote their film. I found that they post quite frequently before the film is released so that they can promote the film and get a bigger audience for the film, its also so that they can add awareness to the film and again get a bigger audience to see the film. 

From the research I found that Twitter is the most popular for promoting a film, this is because I found that they would post a tweet nearly every day about the film, and because of the feature of people being able to retweet a post it would gain a bigger audience due to people retweeting and sharing the posts and then there friends/followers being able to see it. 

I have also found that film companies use social media platforms to gain a bigger target audience and to get more people interested in the films. As I have mentioned before the websites post on social media sites often to get the message out about the new film that is being released, they will often post something every day where people can repost or share with friends and family, they will do this if they are interested in the film and this then leads to there friends and family seeing that and then they will know about the film. 

From the research that I have done, I also found out that the audience will post things about the film so that friends and family can see it, this will gain awareness and this is the same with the reviewing pages . However, the film companies use social media platform so that they can promote their film and also gain awareness.

Overall I found this research fairly useful because I found out that most people my age (16-18) use Snapchat and Instagram. This will be useful for when making the film and thinking of where to advertise the movie on social media sites, with this if we want to attract an age range around the ages of 16-17 then we should advertise it on Snapchat and Instagram. I also found it very useful because I have found out how the big film companies use social media to promote their film. 

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