Tuesday 7 November 2017

Jermy Kyle

Set/location of the show 

The set of Jeremy Kyle is based in England, the set is called mediaCityUK and is based in Manchester.
Colour palette and tone used within the show.

The colorers of the set are Blue, and silver and a light wood colour. These all look very well together and are very appealing to the eyes. The tone of the set is very simple colours. these are to make the audience not to focus 

Hair and make up.
the presenter jerry kyle has make up on that is very subtle, the people that are combining on to the show od not apart form there own that they have put on, Jeremy Kyle has his car pushed to the side, where as the people that come on to the show do it them selfs. 


jerry kyle wears a suit, this is to make him look smart and professional. the guests coming on to the show wear there own clothes. 

Presenters performance 
Jerry kyle comes across as someone who wants to help, but also gets annoyed that people make up lies up to get them out of the trouble that they are in.

Shot types 
The shots are mostly still and are of jerry Kyle and of the people that are on the show.

There is little movement since there people on the show have seats to sit in, however when they get angry they start to move around more around the stage and get up from there seats .

In jerry kyle, they try to have the group of people that are on stage in one shot, they do this by having a wide angle to have every one in the shot.

The editing/shots change when a new speaker talks, when a big group of people come on it mainly is a shot that involves every one that is on the show and flickers to Jeremy when he speaks.

the pace of Jermy Kyle, it is very fast paces when people are angry , this tends to be near the end of the show, at the beginning it is slow pace since it is just jerrmy and the guest and jerry is just interviewing them.

Transition, there are not a lot of transitions, only when it goes on to a break
Shot duration 
The shots last for about 5-10 second but it depends on who is speaking and how long they are speaking for.

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