Friday 9 February 2018

Task 4 things i have done on the website.

Task 4,

For this task, I have had the role of making the website.  for this I have had to make the website, with this I had to get ideas from Cameron and put them together. also making my own ideas for the website.

one idea I had to think of how to bring more people to the website, an idea that we all came up with was making social media pages, about the film to bring more people to the website. With this, we will be posting when filming the production to add behind the since to the production, and this will hopefully get the attention of people to come to the website to watch the production when it is released.

with the website I also have to follow the sitemap made by tom, this was so that we could have all of the key pages we needed for the website. some of the pages were The home page, synopsis, and what inspired us. I think that this was important so that we don't miss out on any important things, and also so that we know where everything has to go.

Cameron wanted the colour scheme to be black and yellow, with this in mind I made the page bar change colours so when you click on it to go to a page the lettering would change form black to yellow.

I wanted t to add something that would give a homemade feel to the website, since this is what we are trying to do with the film, I thought that since we would be using a lot of cardboard, that we should have the background of the website as cardboard, to add to the homemade effect  and I think this worked out very well.

something that I had to do was add photos, which was edited by members of the group, I then had to remove the backgrounds of the images to make it more appealing for the audience, and also so that there are no blocky images, I did this for both the main images and action figures.

These are some of the things that I have done on the website.

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