Monday 26 February 2018

website review

The colors we used were black yellow and cardboard. when opening the page the text "the word" comes in sort of a reverse zoom.

on the top we have a menu bar, when you move your mouse over to a different section the colour will go from black to yellow.

the theme we were going for was a comedy/home-made feel to the website.

We have different pages on the website, like get to know the cast, synopsis, and behind the scenes. we felt these were relevant to make the page more interesting to the audience, we also went for the same theme of black and yellow with a cardboard background. 

on the home page, we have an interaction where viewers can learn a bit about the characters paths. When you click on the little icon a video trailer of the horror film that we will be incorporating into our film and taking the mick out of will play.  we thought that this was necessary so that the audience ca have a little bit of infomation of what the film is going to be about

Our Website

Monday 19 February 2018

Task 2 report on context

Kian Blewett

Task 2 report on context 

Produce a report explaining the relevance of the various research we have done on your interactive film production.

In this report I will be talking about different contexts that we have used to make our production.

The genre of our film is, comedy horror. We chose this because we wanted to make something that would be a little scary, and also that would take the mick out of other horror films. The codes and conventions in our production are that we will be using a black background to add to the horror theme of our production and this will also help create a scene of that it is filmed at night. We will also have music witch will be spooky, witch again will help add to the horror theme that we are trying to accomplish.

Audiences use different genres so that they can categorise films, and choose a film depending on what genre is in, in simple terms it is just categorising different films, and the audience can choose witch sort of film that thy want to use depending on the genre. Media producers will use genres again to categorise their film production and also to influence the theme and mood of the film, for instance a comedy will have jokes and funny events in, and a horror with have scary scenes. Our production uses coded and conventions like adding funny scenes, and also by adding some scary scenes, like jump scares to add to the horror side, these are a few of the codes and conventions we will be using.

Interactive stories allow the audience to choose how the story goes and the events that happen, with this it can result in different endings; compared to a normal story where there is no inter action and there is only one ending.  Some of the most effective choices that you can give to the viewer are ones that can change the story, not just go left or right, there has to be a meaning to why the audience goes a certain way, this could be because they would do the same in that event or they want a story to go a certain way. I think if you have to much choice then it looses the sense/feel of a story, I feel that to much choice leaves it completely up to the audience and I feel there should be a small bit of story that the audience has to follow. An interactive game that I looked at was the walking dead game this is where you follow a character and make decisions and choices on their behalf. Something that I did was put my self in that situation and decide from there on what I would do if I was the character.

For my segment in the interactive video, I decided to put the interacting sections where I felt that it was dramatic/tense this is so that the audience would be engaged because something is happening.

Screen play is used for the director, actors, camera operators, and actors, they are used to show the story, and the dialogue that the characters will be saying, sometimes the final script will have camera directions on to, and this is used for the camera operators

The screen plays text is very spaced out, this is so that it is easier to read and also easier for the actors to learn their lines, another reason for this is that it is also easier to locate where a specific piece of text is. Names of characters are also written in capitals; this is so once again it is easier to spot where the character’s lines are. Normally In most cases at the top of the script there is a small piece of text which gives some information on the scene and what is going to happen and a little back story to what has happened.

The reason why some parts are written in capitals and other in lowercase is because it is to highlight and make it easer for the directors, camera operators and actors to see whos line it is and also so they know witch actor is talking, it is also to give more information, for example the actors names are written in capitals , this is so that it is easier to know witch actor is talking.

Details that are included in the script are different shot types, and also a little back story to the scene, things that are missing are things like facial expression and clothes they are wearing and in some cases the location of where the character is.

When writing the script we first thought of the idea, we then though of different events that the characters would go trough, we then started to make a draft plan, with this we knew what the events were, and we were just making a draft script, from then we went to make the script longer, and to pad it out wit text and dialogue, to make it more interesting for the audience, and also so that there are no scenes with no dialogue.  

Most People need to be present on the set during filming for a majority of it, this is because a majority of it will be filmed of us, the other parts that wont involve us will be with our little characters, so not every one in the group will be needed, however we still will need people to help build the mini set, and also to move the figures around and to also film. We will need some one in the group to do the lighting and help put the set together, move the figures and finally the sound as well and make sure that it is working.

Explain responsibilities of two of the job roles during filming (examples from book)

Camera operator responsibilities of a camera operator.
-       operates the camera, familiar with camera equipment and a keen eye for framing The guerrilla film maker’s handbook.
-       In simple terms this [person is responsible for filming and getting the right shot.

Costume designer.

responsible for everything that visually goes on the actor’s backs
-       This person responsible for making the costumes and how things look on the actor.

How will you be taking on the responsibilities of multiple job roles, what will you need to complete during your filming.

When filming we all will have a lot of responsibility’s, when filming we will be swapping responsibility’s, when we aren’t dig our section. So with this the persons who scene we are filming they will be the director, and then the other members of the group will then go to be either a camera operator, or doing the lighting. With this the responsibility’s will be spread out fairly.

Friday 9 February 2018

Task 4 things i have done on the website.

Task 4,

For this task, I have had the role of making the website.  for this I have had to make the website, with this I had to get ideas from Cameron and put them together. also making my own ideas for the website.

one idea I had to think of how to bring more people to the website, an idea that we all came up with was making social media pages, about the film to bring more people to the website. With this, we will be posting when filming the production to add behind the since to the production, and this will hopefully get the attention of people to come to the website to watch the production when it is released.

with the website I also have to follow the sitemap made by tom, this was so that we could have all of the key pages we needed for the website. some of the pages were The home page, synopsis, and what inspired us. I think that this was important so that we don't miss out on any important things, and also so that we know where everything has to go.

Cameron wanted the colour scheme to be black and yellow, with this in mind I made the page bar change colours so when you click on it to go to a page the lettering would change form black to yellow.

I wanted t to add something that would give a homemade feel to the website, since this is what we are trying to do with the film, I thought that since we would be using a lot of cardboard, that we should have the background of the website as cardboard, to add to the homemade effect  and I think this worked out very well.

something that I had to do was add photos, which was edited by members of the group, I then had to remove the backgrounds of the images to make it more appealing for the audience, and also so that there are no blocky images, I did this for both the main images and action figures.

These are some of the things that I have done on the website.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

The relationship bittern the audio and the picture in these productions.

Choose one TV clip and one film clip and explore the relationship bittern the audio and the picture in these productions, use the above terminology as appropriate, your report should not exceed over 1000 words. Your report must cover.

-       Diegetic sound
-       Non diegetic sound
-       Music (if applicable)
-       Natural vs hyperreal
-       Audio post production

In this report, I am going to be looking why soundtracks are important for films and tv shows and how soundtracks have an impact on films and how they can make a difference to the mood of the film/tv program.

Movie clip.

For this, we used Mr beans holiday, one of the clips that we found was a funny scene Mr bean and a boy on a train, the boy is not very happy because Mr bean didn’t open the train door for the boy’s father.

Some of the diegetic sounds in this clip is when Mr bean walks on to the train, some of the few dialog that Mr bean says is him mumbling, for example when the man passes the camera over to Mr Bean, Mr bean says oh we we we we”.

An example of non-diegetic sound is when the door closes, this is to make when is happening next in the clip make it more intense and dramatic, since the door closing is played really loud and stands out from other sounds. The audio at the beginning sounds robotic/echo this is to improve the effect of filming on a cheap camera and also makes it more realistic.

Sound effects
Train door closing intensify the fact and bring the audience to the

There is music in this clip, and it starts when the train door closes, it is an intense and dramatic sound and this is to add tension to the clip, the reason there is a dramatic sound tack is because one of the characters father did not get on the train because he was filming for Mr bean getting on to the train, and because of this he had to go back and get his stuff witch was behind him, this lead to him missing the train because the door closes on him, and Mr bean does nothing about it. After a short intense moment of the clip the music is then quietened when Mr bean realizes that the man running was the boy's father, this is to add awkwardness and to also intensify that everyone on the train is looking/staring at Mr Bean.

Walking dead

Music, in this scene the music Is much louder than the little dialogue, this is to add to the fact that carl, ricks son has been bittern, the whole reason of this and why the music was so dramatic is because carl is one of the last things that he has left, ricks whole purpose of this was to protect and keep carl safe, however, this has been taken away from him because he is going to die.

When Carl shows his dad rick the bite from the walker, the tone and music completely changes. It goes to a sadder tone of the song; this is again to make the whole scene more dramatic. Some of the sounds in the music sound lick a choir, this could be to make it seem like angels are looking down on him, and also like he is at a funeral, this all makes the event more dramatic.

The use of no dialogue/very little of it, this also ads to the dramatic side of this, and this has a massive effect on the audience because they have to come to the realization that one of the main characters is going to die, and overall this is a very dramatic scene.

In this scene there is no diegetic sound, I think that this was good because this is a very sad scene, and I think that the silence and just the music ads to the sadness and makes it more intense and dramatic.