Saturday 30 September 2017

Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Methods

Title: Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes, and Methods
1st. Formulate your question:
Look below at what you are you being asked to evaluate.
Unit 1
U1.2.1 Critically compare a range of communication methods used to convey meaning in creative media production.
Note Critically is similar to compare but concentrate on the things that are different with two or more methods used or what sets them apart. Point out any differences which are particularly significant.

In your own words say what U1.2.1 is asking you to do.
Answer: To critically compare a range of media/media products.

2nd. Gather your information:
What have you been doing that you can evaluate
On your blog, you now have two weeks detailing classes in The Carousel and professional ways to use tools, skills, processes.  If you have details of these you have done this point just add the links below.

Blog link to last week:
Blog link to this week:

3rd. Apply the information
How well have you done in the sessions?
Ask yourself:
  • Which skills, Processes, and Methods or tools you enjoyed the most?
Answer: I have enjoyed the mono printing method and process and enjoyed the sewing machine witch both of there are new things that I have not done before.

  • Which of the things you have been shown could you demonstrate to another person?
Answer: I would be able to show another person how to do monoprints since it is a fairly simple process and is something I had a lot of confidence doing.

  • Which of the things you have been shown do you need more practice with?
Answer: I think I need more practice with the sewing machine because I felt my sewing was very jerky and not straight, I could do with spending more time on the sewing machine to make my work more precise.

4th. Consider the implications
If you were asked by a professional to use some of the tools, skills, processes how well would you do?
Answer: I would feel pretty confident since I have written down all the tools that we used, and all of the tools we have used are fairly simple so it would be easy to explain how to use the tools.

5. Explore other points of view
Have you considered feedback from teachers and Peers as to how well you did in the session, if so what feedback have you had?
Answer: I have not asked for feedback from teachers.

What Feedback have you had so far that tells you are doing okay in the session?
Answer: I have only had feedback from friends who say that my work is ok .

Thursday 28 September 2017

Week 2 Caracole

  1. -Research that you carry out in these sessions
we looked at other peoples work and she showed us a powerpoint to give us ideas about what the general idea was. also doing the work was primary research.
Skills that you have tried,
- painting on fabrics
- sewing
- being able to create a logo 
  • Any processes 

we made some squares with the different coulors and then created a logo.a proces we used was emboydary where we stuck a shape of our choice to the fabric with our logo on
we used some thread to go around the logo we created to make it stand out.  
  • We had to paint on a piece of paper at first to find out the different couloirs, and this was to show that the colours will look different to when they are ironed on to 
  • fabrics, in this case we used 100% polyester  with the heat press at 180 degreese   then we had to make a design and then paint it on to the paper, we then used sewing machines to make a design on our work what i did was draw around the peice of fabirc i stuck on to my design and to draw around the letters.
  • We then sewed around out patterns to make the logo stand out using the embroidery hoops. i went around the big circle to add a bit of definition.
  • Any tools that you used.
sowing machen 
fabric paint
heat press
embroidery hoops

Giff made in photoshop CS6

Monday 25 September 2017

Media Carousel Week 3

Media Carousel Week 3 

One piece of equipment that I saw today was the Hasselblad 500 c/m camera which was Swedish made SLR.  These cameras go for about £450 on eBay pre-owned. These cameras were used in taking photos on the moon, since of the high-quality build and great quality image.

Saturday 23 September 2017

Technical codes Saving Private Ryan Captin Millar Death scene

Saving Private Ryan, Captin Millar's Death Scene 

( )

The short ending scene of Saving Private Ryan starts with a very close-up shot with captain Millar,  the effect of this is to make the audience feel involved with the action and event that is happening in the scene, and also to add tension because the audience can focus on the characters expressions, which in this scene is worried and scared since the Germans have almost killed every soldier in this grope.

In this scene they also use a zoom technical effect which goes in to a extremely close up shot, witch is also interupted with a enimy tank slowly moving falward, with shots of captin millar shoting at the tank, the effect of this is that the audence can see that the shooting the tank is hopeless and is not workign, howeve and the reppetitive techneque of cutting from the zoom of captin millar and to the shot of the tank is to add a sence of fustration with the audence becuse it is getting closer and no damage is being done, however, in the sence the fustration is relieved when the tank finaly explodes due to the american air support, and this is shown with a medium close up of captin miller and his expretion shown on his face of confution and relefe. 

The scene is then cut to a establishin shot witch shows the planes causing destruction to the small french town, and also showes the german troops retreting. The scene then goes to a charecter called James ryan and this is a long shot far away to add a sence of confution and a sence of reality hitting the charecter and this shows the audence how the soldigers would have felt from going from event where they were fighting for there lifes to an event that they are safe. Saving private Ryan uses alot of expretion in the films, this is to add a sence of realisim to the audence, and alowes the audence to connect with how the soldgers were feeling and this is shown with the long shot of Private james ryan and the realisation that they are not going to be killed by German troops. The color of the scene is filmed in a very faint/faded coulor, this is to add a sence of age, and to make it so that it is not vey mordern and has a snece of being old.  All of the charecters are wearing a costume of miltariy unoforms, German of US army uniforms, this is to put a date on between the years in 1939-1945, and this is to also signify that this is a war film. Near the end of this scene ther is a short scene of a US soldiger in a ball slowly rising, this is to show that the man is in destress and adds to the sence of fear and is shown by his guesture

At the beging of this scene ther is a dveice that was ment to be used to cause the bridge to be blown appart, this is signified as the last resort and should be blown to try to stop the germans getting over the bridge and pusshing the us troops further back, this is an iconography object becuse it is a device that has to be used however the device was to far away for Captin Millar to get to and is shown with the use of facial expretion.

In saving private ryan there are sound effects like explotions and the sounds of engins of planes, this is to add to the experience for the audence. There is also dialoge that adds to the peice becuse it alowes the reader to realise the bond/brotherly hood that the soldgers had, and this is shown in the final scene where Private Reiben one of the soldigers who gave the impretion of not caring about other soldgers in his squadren, was shown to be verry caring, and cared for his Captin, Captin Millar. There is the use of music in the final scene witch adds a sence of victory and releve the music that is being played is of a trumpet being blown gently.

These are some of the techniques that are used in the film Saving Private Ryan.

Week 2 first evaluate of the carasel

Kian Blewett

Week 2 first evaluation of the Carousel 

1. Evidence of me taking part: (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC) U1.1.2
Week one of the carousel, art and mono printing. 

2. Write up your experience of the following...
    2a Discuss any research that you carried out in these sessions: U2.1.1, The research that we used was looking at fellow students work and using that to adapt the work that we would create and use their ideas to create our own ideas, and also to look at different ways that they have done to create their own work.

    Now list Primary and Secondary sources U2.2.1

    Primary:  Our primary sources were the other students work, and using that to create our own piece of work and also to use some ideas that they may have used to put into our own work. The way we did this was by walking around the studio and looking at other peoples work. 

    Secondary: Secondary resources were things from the teacher, and using his knowledge to adapt our work. For example, the teacher told me to focus more on detail and look closer into the object that we were drawing.

    2b Discuss any skills that you have tried: U2.1.1

    I have learned new skills such as being able to use different tools like mono printing, and also using some basic tools like a felt tip pen and pencil and using them in different ways to improve work and create different effects, and I also learned a skill to be able to draw in quick time. 

      2c Discuss any processes and methods you used (Photography wet process, Screen Printing, Photoshop layering etc): U1.1.1

      Mono Printing 

      The process we used in mono printing, was choosing a photo that we wanted to monoprint
      then we used black oil paint and rolled it out in a shape similar to an A4 size. We then stuck the bigger sheet of paper the A4 sheet with the image we wanted to monoprint, and then we placed that onto the A4 size of paper and then started to trace around the image, this then led to a monoprint of the image that we had chosen. 

      The method we used was to try to get a monoprint of the image that we wanted, to do this we had to use sharp pencils to get a sharp line, and then also use things like fingers to create a shaded part, for example the image that I had chosen there was a slightly shaded area on the image, the method I used to create the shadow effect was to use my finger to create a shadowing effect on the monoprint 


      The process we used in art was selecting an image, and drawing in in timed conditions, to help prepare us to draw sketches in quick time.  When we selected the image we would have to draw it and first we used a pencil, secondly a pen, thirdly a felt tip pen, then finally a felt tip pen and adding water to create a nice bleeding effect. We were then allowed to use different things like highlighters and pens to create our own designs, these are the processes we used. 

      What is your understanding of these?:
      a process is a series of events that lead to a something that you want to create
      A method is a more precise way of creating something that you want to create. 
      2d Discuss the tools that you used (Paint, Material, Software, etc): U2 3.1

      Tools used in Mono printing 

      -Black oil paint

      Tools used in Art and design 

      -felt tip pens
      How effective were they 
      for both of the mono printing and art lesson both of the tools were fairly simple, and also because they were simple everyone knew how to roughly use the tools and with this, we were shown new ways to use them like using a felt time with water to create a very nice effect.also because the tools that we used were very basic every one in the lesson knew how to use the tool, which was nice because we could use what we knew and improve it with the help of the teacher, show us new ways to use the tools like a pencil to create more detail, ballpoint pent to create a sharp image, and felt tip pens to create a thin line image,

      how could they be improved

      Since the tools were very simple and basic there was not a lot that needed to be improved, and there was not a lot that could be improved because it did what was needed to be done.