Friday 23 March 2018

producion log

Kian Blewett

Week one.

In this week we started to plan, something that I have been interested in was recreating films in a homemade feel, I am really interested in a channel called cinefix, this channel recreates trailers in a homemade way. i put this idea forward to the group, and they all seemed to like the idea.

Cameron wanted to make a comedy horror, and there was a similar film called scary movie, what we decided on was that we would do a mix of both mine and Cameron's ideas.

Week 2

This week we started to think about different horror films that we could use, we came up with saw, scary movie, it and insidious, I started to do some out of college work and I started to make the little figures, based of photos we had taken that week, of our characters. I think they came out reasonably well and I felt that the audience would be able to point out the different characters. we then had to do some story boards for the scenes.

We also starte to create the website this week, and we also got photos for the wbsite of our charecters.

Week 3

This week we learned how to write a script using celtex, and after that, we started to make a draft script, since I felt that I detailed my story board well I based mine from the story board. once I had the basic outline of the script I started to add more detail and dialogue, to make it longer and also more interesting for the audience so that there would be some dialogue for the audience.
We started to also edit the photos that we took last week for the website, once this was done i then added the phots to the website on to the homepage, and also the cast list.

Week 4

This week we had to pitch our idea to the class, we had to give as much detail as we could so that they could understand what we were trying to do and how we were going to do it, I felt that we did a good job in this because we didn't have that many questions at the end, and some of the questions that they asked seemed positive.

The next day we had to finalize the script, and start the preproduction paperwork.
i also started to add diffrent pages to the website, and i added a menue bar in the black and yelow coulore scheme, which is something that cameron wanted.

Week 5

We had to finish the preproduction paperwork, two of our members, however, didn't show up on the first day of filming, so I and the other member started to make the minifigure set.

The next day we managed to start filming some of the segments, we managed to film my opening scene.
The next day we started to film a little more, and try to get some of my scenes done.

with the website i started to make social media sites, and litle icons that the viwer can click ad it will go to the social media sites.

Week 6

On Monday we came in early, this was so that we could finish off my segment and start to film my other group's segments, annoyingly one of our members didn't come in till later so we couldn't film the beginning campfire scene, however we did manage to get toms segment nearly finished.

the next day we managed to finish both mine and toms and start Camerons.

Week 7

This week we only had Monday to film for the rest of the week there was heavy snow this delayed us when filming.

I had worked on the website to make sure that it was ready, I also added the trailer to the home page.

Week 8
This week we managed to completely film Camerons scene, and since one of our group members didn't come in for a few days we started to film with the mini figures. once our group member decided to come in we then filmed the beginning scene of us around the campfire.

The 2nd day we started to film moes section, after that we then filmed with the mini figures and we were done with the filming stage.

This week the website was complese there were stilla few things that i had to sort out loke adding behind the scenes photos, but i will add them after filming.

Week 9

We then started to edit the production after a week and a bit we managed to add all of the sections and I added the interactions and these brings us to current day where the production is complete.

Task 8

From the reasults all the members in the group felt that there was no need to make any changes, since they liked the colour scheme and all the links worked, and there were no coments on how to improve the website.

Task 7

We could not do task 8 since it would mean we had to paid to see who viewd our website, this is because we would have had to upgrade to a premium plan.

social media audit template.